Classic Jr. High/Sr. High - Tuesday
Introduction to the daily theme. Today is Christmas.
Listen to Jon read "The Giving Tree" while you think about some way that you can give right now. Maybe you can give food to a food pantry. Maybe you have clothes that you don't wear that can be given to a clothing ministry. Maybe you can give time by calling an elderly relative and brightening their day.
Sing along to some camp songs and laugh at a skit!
Join Holly in the garden at Terra Dei Homestead.
Thanks be to God
More thoughts on today's Christmas theme.
Have fun making a rock family around a campfire!
Learn how to identify trees and determine how old they are.
Origami Box - need scissors and paper
Happy Hearts
Print the instructions for family game night.
There is a worship sheet to print and a video of worship.
Sing along and enjoy campfire!
Close the day with some questions to think about and prayer.