Running Wish List
Lutherlyn is often in need of specific items that will help us continue to provide a high quality experience in both programming and facilities.
Visit our Amazon Wish List to shop for items we need and send them directly to us! Or, if you see some items in our list below that you would like to donate, please contact the office first to obtain any specific details or instructions.
Running Wish List

- Golf Cart for Nurses (prefer electric)
-6 foot white plastic tables - Lifetime brand (need 16)
-50 foot outdoor extension cords (need 10)
-multi-plug power strips (need 10)
-flatware (knives, forks, spoons) - no real silver
-new or gently used vacuum cleaner for Fireside Room
-reliable mini-vans or SUV's with current inspection
-reliable 4-wheel drive pick-up truck with current inspection
-truckloads of 2A limestone (for roads & paths)
-Home Depot, Lowes, & Walmart Gift Cards
-new work gloves (men's, women's, & children's sizes)
-new or like-new washers & dryers
-painter's tape (blue) - 1 inch & 2 inches wide

-forever stamps
-pens & pencils
-dry erase markers & erasers
-copy paper
-white cardstock
-binder clips
-masking tape
-permanent markers
-new easels & paper pads

Summer Programs
-pony beads
-seed beads
-embroidery floss
-new washable markers
-new colored pencils
-paint brushes
-construction paper
-colored tissue paper
-glue sticks
-new fishing rods - kid friendly (need 10)
-desktop printer/copier for the Health Hut
-new or gently used laptop for the Health Hut
-new jar candles

Equestrian Center
-shop vac (around 15 gallons)
-electric air compressor
-rubber mats for stalls
-water proof sheets of all sizes
-water proof blankets of all sizes
-size 13, 14, & 15 men's boots
-size 10 & 11 girl's boots
-fly spray & fly masks
-dressage saddle
-horse joint supplements
-horse multivitamin supplements
-cat food
-cat flea & tick treatment

Environmental Education Programs
-kids & adult rain coats
-riding mower or small tractor (for hauling compost)
-NEW 8x10 tarps
-kids & adult winter gloves
-8 oz. "Cool Whip" containers
-vis-a-vis wet erase markers

Special Events that Benefit Camperships
-handmade bed-size quilts for Quilt Auctions
-gift baskets (contact the office for more specifics)
-monetary sponsorships
-skilled volunteers to hang drywall in cabins
-skilled volunteers for demolition of old cabins
-someone with video/editing skills to make promo video(s)
-help maintain flower beds & amphitheater
-assistants to help during therapeutic riding sessions
-clearing hiking & riding trails
-event volunteers
-general maintenance help
-general cleaning help
-general office help
-nurses to help for a week in the summer or on Sundays in the summer during check-in