Saturday Safaris
Lutherlyn Saturday Safaris are a great way to spend some time learning about nature in the woods!
Safaris are $12 per person for a 2.5 hour program. Children age 4 and under are free of charge. Each Safari program is from 9:30am-noon at the Environmental Education Center at Lutherlyn. (The Maple Sugaring session will also have an additional offering from 1-3:30pm)
Register online at
Questions? Call Lutherlyn's Environmental Education Office at 724-865-9079.

February 1, 2025: Geology and the Rocks of Lutherlyn - Hike to one of Lutherlyn’s most unique places, Chapel Rock, and learn about the rock cycle. Weather permitting, we will climb Chapel Rock. We will also learn about the geology of western PA as we hike through a beautiful stream valley. There will also be time to stop by Tunnel Rock, Table Rock, and the Rock Shelter. Dress to be outside.
(Registration deadline: January 27)

March 1, 2025: Maple Syrup Time – This Saturday Safari features winter tree identification, tapping a maple tree, collecting sap, and observing the evaporation process. Dress to be outside. There will be a morning session from 9:30- 12:00 and an afternoon session from 1-3:30. Please register for one session only.
(Registration deadline: February 24)

September 13, 2025: Stream and Pond Creatures - Spend the morning exploring Miller Lake and Shawnee Run. We will catch as many different kinds of animals as possible and learn about the aquatic food chain. Dress to be outside and make sure you bring boots that can get wet.
(Registration deadline: September 8)

November 1, 2025: Archaeology & the Venango Trail – In December 1753, George Washington followed the Venango Trail through Lutherlyn on his way home to Virginia. We will learn more about his trip, visit the trail, and spend some time digging at an archaeology site along the trail. Dress to be outside and in the dirt.
(Registration deadline: October 27)