Other Educational Opportunities
Teacher Workshops
Teacher Workshops are available for educators who wish to expand their knowledge of the environment and obtain useful classroom resources. Each workshop participant receives an activity guide and experiences sample activities. Act 48 credit is available through Intermediate Unit 4. Lunch is provided as part of the program.
Contact the Environmental Education Office to express interest.

Other Opportunities
Scout Opportunities - Eagle Scout Projects are available at Lutherlyn and are administered through L.E.E.P. Past projects have included trail maintenance, garden path construction, bridge building, and picnic table construction.
Customized programs can be arranged with the L.E.E.P. staff for Boy or Girl Scout groups. Programs may be scheduled which help scouts to earn badges or as part of weekend outings at Lutherlyn.
Group Outings - Programs may be scheduled for church groups, youth groups, adult groups, garden clubs, and business organizations. These programs may involve nature hikes and activities or tours of Terra Dei Homestead. Often, these programs are scheduled during a retreat or conference, but can be done independently.
LEEP Special Programs
MARCH 9TH 2024 10:00AM-2:30PM
Join award-winning naturalist, April Claus, and the Lutherlyn Environmental Education staff for an in-depth examination of the ecology of Pennsylvania vernal ponds.
This special program is $40 per person for a day program. The program will begin at 10:00 am at the Environmental Education Center at Lutherlyn. Participants should bring their own brown bag lunch/drink and be dressed to go outdoors and tromp through muddy conditions. Class description below.
Register online at www.lutherlyn.campbrainregistration.com.
Questions? Call the L.E.E.P. office at 724-865-9079.