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SIT Application

2025 Staff In Training (S.I.T.) Application

The S.I.T. program offers an opportunity to work and learn alongside the summer staff. S.I.T.s spend one week in training and may spend a second week as a Jr. Counselor or Support Staff Assistant. This program is for Sr. High (Grades 10-2025 Graduate) Week 1 (June 15-20)   Staff-in-Training Information Sheet

Contact Information

First and Last
going into this fall

Short Answers

Check any of the following skills you possess


Please list three people as personal references below. The full address and phone numbers are required for the people you list. Ask each of your references to complete a Personal Reference Form (send them a message directing them to go to the online reference form to complete the form. You will receive the link in the confirmation email once you submit this application.) Relatives or close friends may not be used as references; please use teachers, employers, pastors, etc.

For each of the following three blocks, please provide the following information:

1. The reference's name
2. Your relationship with this person
3. How long you have known this person
4. The person's address and phone number

Parental Permission
Because an SIT is a minor, parental permission is needed in order to participate in the SIT program. Please have your parent or guardian complete the next two questions (this information is needed in lieu of a signature).

Please check over your application and send it to us by clicking SUBMIT below. A new page will confirm our receipt of your application. Remember to give the reference form link to each of your references.